Tuesday 17 December 2019


It is just a week to Christmas Eve. And a week later will be New Year’s Eve. And the voice in my ear is telling me to live in the moment, but I can tell that it’s smiling.

It is the end of the month – the year – the decade.

I have a sense that more of us are treating holiday giving with a deeper sense of conscience. That more of us are speaking about living with intention. Maybe it’s because I listen to CBC radio most of the time rather than Fox News, but I do believe that humanity is evolving.

When a paradigm is shifting, there is a breakdown before there is a breakthrough. And when something is dying it makes a lot of noise.

Think of the atrocities that, less than a century ago, were not only tolerated but cheered on. Atrocities that stemmed from hatred and fear and ignorance. It makes us cringe today to even think about them and we wonder – how could humanity have been this cruel?

And yes there are still pockets of residue left from these times and places. But it is being pushed to the surface to be cleared and we are asked to work to clear it. This is part of what Barbara Marx Hubbard calls ‘the evolutionary impulse’. Negativity is pushed up and out into the open for cleansing and detoxing.

And at the same time a hungering for depth, purpose and meaning is awakening in us – the shift of the ages. It’s our cosmic journey. And we are not here by accident.

Any change that happens in one place creates a field that allows the same kind of change to happen elsewhere. Acts of kindness strengthen the field of kindness; acts of love strengthen the field of love; and acts of hate strengthen the field of hate.

Tasks that life sets before us are part of a larger tapestry woven by an intelligence that puts us in exactly the right place at the right time. They anchor the field of love that helps the rest of us serve our purpose rather than our personal ambition.

What we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal. And I believe that the world is moving from the last century’s ‘me-ness’ to ‘we-ness’, and even to the sacred principal of ‘enoughness’.

This principal can be beautifully interpreted: There is enough; I am enough; I have enough, etc. Feel the peace that flows from those words and then realize how true and good they are.

At this time of year especially, enoughness rings loud and clearly.

I wish you, my dear friends, a time of true gladness over the next fortnight. May it bring you exactly what comforts you and expands your horizons, whether you celebrate the coming of the Son or the return of the sun, or simply a time of rest and relaxation.

My wish for the roaring 20s is that each of us shares our love for ‘the other’, for humanity as a whole. And that we explore and expand our reverence for the Earth. Our only home. Our cosmic mother.

We are spiritual astronauts creating our own atmosphere – one of peace, love, and harmony rather than the hypnotic spell of fear.

Fly well.

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