Thursday 17 December 2015


“We are travellers on a cosmic journey,
stardust swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity.
Life is eternal.
We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other,
to meet, to love, to share.
This is a precious moment.
A little parenthesis in eternity.”

                                                                                           --  Deepak Chopra

So, how is your cosmic journey going so far?

That it is epic there is no doubt. That you are its hero is a given. Or perhaps you are unaccustomed to thinking of yourself as a hero. Recalculate (as my GPS would caution me). You are the hero of your very own epic journey whether or not you choose to accept the mission.

Do you ever question just exactly why you are here, in this place, at this time, in this body, living this life? Do you occasionally ask yourself who you are? Give yourself a reality check?

In other words, is there any time for reflection and contemplation in your busy life? Or is life just so urgent that you spend 24/7 reacting to it? If this is the case, then I suggest that you look into that reality check. And I invite you to give yourself a little half hour break in the next couple of days, maybe climb into a warm, relaxing tub where no one will disturb you and contemplate why you are here on this planet in this lifetime.

Start by identifying your passion. What sparks joy in your heart? What is it that you do for love rather than money? Where that passion and the needs of the world meet is your ‘hero’s journey’, your contribution to humanity this time around. At least that is what I believe.

Furthermore, I believe that we are here right now on Earth specifically to be part of what many are calling The Great Turning or The Shift. Those tuned into mainstream media may be unaware of this shift in society; it doesn’t match the ‘if it bleeds it leads’ policy. But assuredly we are into it – an “age of Aquarius/ let the sunshine in” epoch. There is an international consciousness that is developing a new narrative of peace in the world. Peace builders and seekers are working across the globe, leading seminars online and working with the most fractious parties in places like Israel and Palestine. Most of it is happening under the radar of mainstream news, but it’s out there, and slowly reaching the tipping point.

Since we are here to be a part of this new consciousness, how can we contribute to the movement?

The answer is: in small ways, everyday. Here’s an example. Let’s say someone cuts you off in traffic and your first reaction is to steam up, lean on the horn, or maybe give a particular finger.

Instead, take a breath and use the ‘just like me’ practice that peace builder and lecturer, Emily Hine, describes. Just like me, this person is a father, mother, sister, daughter, and just like me they may be anxious, worried, in an emergency. I can replace the anger with compassion for this person.

It’s the ‘namaste’ way of being. ‘Namaste’ is a Vedic greeting often used in yoga and means “I see the light in you” or “The God in me beholds the God in you”. If we really look at someone, meaning look into the eyes of someone, we will see their light, and they will see ours.

Even the most horrific deeds, the kind that break our hearts when we hear about them, are simply, Hine explains, “a tragic expression of an unmet need.” Can we have compassion for the wounds of the perpetrator? It’s a tall order, but to explode on social media in outrage and hate actually exacerbates the situation. It spits more hatred and anger out into the ether and notches up the hostility index.

Instead, stop; think what can I do to make this better? First bring attention to the heart, then think of someone or some place you love. This shifts our field helping us to react in a non-violent way. Sending blessings to the victim and the assailant would be a great finish.

It doesn’t have to be on Facebook. We have entangled minds. Our thoughts go out into the ether and affect others. What are you sending?

In this season of ‘Peace on Earth, goodwill to all’ there is ample opportunity for a peacemaker to begin her journey. As for your individual hero’s journey, on the brink of a new year your passion calls.

May the blessings of the holidays . . . Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah or whatever you embrace . . . sift down on you like soft, sparkling snowflakes. And may you send out even more than you receive.

This is a precious moment.’ I love that you are here with me in this little parenthesis in eternity’.


  1. This is such a brilliant piece! You are a superb writer!
    You hit some important buttons for me and reminded me of practices that I hadn't followed for a while.
    You are always an inspiration.


  2. What a terrific writer you are! I found it to be one of your best.

    I think I've got a handle on what my passion is although I want to do some more work on that. As for " just like me ) I do that at times but need to make it more of a instinctual reaction. Having compassion for the perpetrator is much more of a challenge but your strategy of moving to your heart is most helpful.

    Thanks for this wonderful column, you are brilliant!



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