Wednesday 8 June 2022


As I look at the pandemic in the rear view mirror, I see that for some, there is a whole new way of life unfolding.  For others it’s an awakening.  Many of us are being asked to make that breathtaking choice — go along to get along, or be true to our Self and stand firm in our belief.

I notice too that coming out of pandemic mode we seem to be either in the grip of fear or a circle of love.  Imagine that metaphor for a moment:  the tension and terror of a body in the fear grip versus the softness and sweetness of falling into love.  The choice would seem a no-brainer.  Why then, is it that so very many souls are stuck in fear — disempowered and looking for someone to tell them what to do next?

Could the insane hatred that we are witnessing in the world be simply buried fear?   Is it hurt that’s buried underneath  that anger and hatred?  If so, once hate is gone these wounded victims would be faced with their own pain.

I suggest that a first step toward letting go of fear and embracing love is to surrender our defences.  Shed the armour that we don each day.  It is such a heavy mantle. And it sends a message: Don’t mess with me! Don’t try to get close to me! 

Instead, put a hand on your heart to awaken it, inhale love while imagining something or someone you love.  Take several deep breaths — five minutes spent with your spirit first thing in the morning will change the direction of your day.  And contemplate this lesson from A Course in Miracles: 
‘In my defencelessness my safety lies.’

Following are the ten rules of life according to Dr. Zack Bush (a favourite of mine) with my own two cents’ worth  tossed in.

1; Find gratitude in the present moment
     Just recognizing ‘the present moment’ is a leap for some of us.  The minute we can hit the pause button and become ‘present’ we let go of wanting, fear, and all the ‘head stuff’ that plagues us.. Then if we take one more step and find gratitude here (simple things like sunshine on our skin) we snap out of the ‘something’s wrong trance’.

2. Make a ritual out of meditation, both when in crisis and when at peace.
  I find setting a certain time (morning and before bed at night) and sticking with it works best, and  a short meditation grace before a meal. 

3. Accept responsibility for your own behaviour, language, actions, and existence.
    Be the adult in the room.

4. Allow yourself to be yourself and accept who you are with kindness.  
   I am still working on this one at the tender age of 86.

5. Focus on creating what you want and it will manifest.  Don’t be anti-anything.
    ‘Energy flows where attention goes’,  so be pro what you want to create.  It takes more energy to fight something than to embrace its opposite.

6. Re-connect with nature to find your own beauty.
   This is a big one for me.  When my world seems to be falling apart, I know I need a walk on the wild side.
“When beauty touches us we remember who we are.  We realize that we have come from the homeland of beauty.”   — John O’Donnohue.

7. Recognize your connection to everything and everyone at all times.  
 Sadly we were taught as infants that ‘you are here and I am over there’ all locked inside our skin. Now we must unlearn it.  We are a part of everything/everyone.

8. Forgive yourself and others.  Accept that nothing is against you and no one is opposed to you.  
I think that forgiveness comes first.  Accepting that nothing is against you is a big order but if we can forgive, then it feels more possible.

9. Behave in a place of love, and set that as an example for everyone else. 
That morning meditation sets us up for this.

10. Join together in community spreading love and dissolving fear.  
This is what the new human is being asked to do on this planet at this time. It’s mandatory if we are to survive as a species.  We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.

And finally, here is how Aussie super-model,  Elle Macpherson sees it all post-pandemic:

Wellness is the new beauty.
Health is the new wealth.
Kindness is the new cool.
Inner peace is the new success

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